The Valley Project by Alex Welch & Joshua Briffa

This project was created by two photographers working together collaboratively trading roles creating challenges or setting shoot locations. Challenges included limited images, specific equipment and edit one another’s images. The exhibition on display is a selection of images chosen from over 3000 shots taken in 20 locations over 3 years...

Daniel Jensen – Photography

Daniel Jensen is a creative, passionate and motivated photographer. His unique attention to detail and eye for photography allows him to capture the presence of nature. Although Daniel is primarily a landscape photographer many of his pieces also focus on man-made features in the landscape he is capturing. Daniel 23,...

Tania Chanter

Tania came to painting later in life. Her early working-life included ten years at The Age newspaper. fifteen years for online companies, and currently a Director of Red Bilby, a Graphic Design Studio. She began painting in her early fourties after a school holiday activity with her sons. She discovered...