Exhibit commencing Feb to April 2022

I am a self taught photographer from the Yarra Valley, Australia. While I would say I specialise in wildlife photography, looking through my portfolio it is easy to see at times my passion covers a diverse set of genres – from abstract landscape, still life photography through to the world of macro photography and unique wildlife moments captured for all of us to enjoy.

The first click of a shutter I can recall was my dads 1980’s Nikon. This continued in to my mid teens where I studied photography in my later years of high school. Unfortunately throughout my 20s, studies and career progression kept me away from my more creative side, apart from the odd trip here and there which would re-kindle my love of photography.

It was not until my early 30s that photography came back in to my life in a significant way.

In early 2018 I had a significant mental breakdown and was couchbound for months. I had not battled mental health prior to this and it felt like my world was pulled out from underneath me. After a short stint on medication and numerous psychology visits I started spending more time just sitting out in nature. I read about how some people used creative outlets to help with mental health battles and decided it was time to get in to photography. It quickly became an obsession and any spare hour I had was spent with camera in hand just watching and waiting for the wildlife to put on a show.